6000 Shakerag Hill
Suite 216
Peachtree City, GA 30269

Normal Hours:
Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday & Thursday
Neuropsychology deals with brain disorders and how they affect a person's thinking and behavior. Neuropsychologists evaluate behavior, emotional health, and cognitive functions (i.e., thinking abilities) to arrive at the correct diagnosis and make corresponding recommendations.
In the case of children, evaluations typically help in assessing conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.
In the case of adults, neuropsychologists examine individuals who are experiencing problems with memory, language, and other mental abilities. For mature adults with memory loss, an evaluation is essential to differentiate conditions such as dementia, depression, and normal age-related memory changes.
Neuropsychology Evaluation for Adults
Dr. Martinez has significant experience in the areas of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders. Since Alzheimer’s and other dementias initially affect a person’s memory and other thinking abilities (generally sparing the person physically), neuropsychologists are uniquely qualified to evaluate and diagnose these conditions. As more advances are made in the treatment of dementias, early diagnosis takes on even greater significance. Dr. Martinez also has experience in the diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy Bodies, a dementia that, although relatively unknown to the public, is the second most common dementia after Alzheimer’s. In some cases, forgetfulness in a mature adult can be related to emotional problems such as depression or anxiety, medication effects, hearing loss, or simply the normal aging process. Neuropsychological testing involves direct testing of a patient’s memory, language, and other cognitive functions to distinguish between these possibilities.
Dr. Martinez examines young and middle age adults for attention, memory and other cognitive problems, as well as personality and behavioral changes. In some cases, these individuals already have been diagnosed with a neurologic condition (such as Multiple Sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, or Parkinson’s Disease), or a more general medical diagnosis (such as cancer or sleep apnea). Other patients are referred without a medical diagnosis, but they have concerns about their memory. In these cases, neuropsychological testing can help to distinguish whether cognitive problems, if these exist, are a function of psychological/psychiatric issues or neurologic disease. Depending on the patient’s age, the focus of recommendations may be educational or vocational in nature.
Dr. Martinez performs competency evaluations in cases of developmental disability, traumatic brain injuries, dementias, or any other neurologic condition that may affect decision-making capacity. It may be important for family members, physicians, and attorneys to know whether or not a person has the ability to make competent decisions in regards to medical, legal, and financial matters. Dr. Martinez also specializes in medicolegal, FAA-mandated, NFL concussion, and college accommodations evaluations.
Neuropsychology Evaluation for Children
Dr. Martinez specializes in the evaluation and diagnosis of dyslexia (i.e., a reading disorder), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other conditions that affect academic performance. His philosophy is that the first step in helping a struggling child is to provide an accurate assessment of the problem. There are many reasons why children struggle at school, and not in all cases does it result in a diagnosis. It is vitally important to identify the nature of academic difficulties early, to get the child “back on track.” An accurate diagnosis comes from gathering as much information as possible from the referred child (including testing), and from parents, teachers, and counselors.
During the first visit, Dr. Martinez meets with the child’s parents for a one hour intake interview. If the parents choose, adolescents can participate in this interview. Concerns are discussed in detail during this interview, with information gathered in the areas of academic, social, and emotional functioning. If appropriate in light of the referral question, Dr. Martinez will see the child or adolescent for at least intellectual (IQ) and academic testing. Children who are struggling with reading, writing, and / or math will undergo further testing to specify the nature of their learning problem. Depending on the child’s age and stamina, and the actual testing battery, testing is completed in 2 or 3 testing sessions. When parents grant permission, Dr. Martinez also will gather information directly from the child’s teacher. This is usually accomplished via teacher rating scales, although a phone consultation sometimes is necessary. Once the evaluation is completed, Dr. Martinez will write a report detailing the findings and recommendations. Then the parents return for a follow-up visit to review the results and develop the best plan of action to help the child.
Dr. Martinez also sees children and adolescents who previously were diagnosed with a learning problem. In some cases, parents want to objectively determine how their child has progressed in the context of specialized educational services and/or academic accommodations. Other times there is a need to re-document the child’s diagnosis or learning difficulties. In yet other cases, adolescents have to undergo re-evaluation to receive accommodations on SAT and other testing, or when they are preparing to leave to college.
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